Reply to post: Re: Google chap hasn't used his grey matter before opening his mouth.

Antivirus tools are a useless box-ticking exercise says Google security chap

Charles 9

Re: Google chap hasn't used his grey matter before opening his mouth.

"It's easy to stand on the outside and say it's all rubbish, throw it away, but no one is offering any acceptable solutions to the problems."

Because none exists. You can connect this problem to the First Contact Problem: an intractable problem in security which basically goes, "Without a known point of trust, there's no way to verify a new contact is legitimate. But to reach a known point of trust, you need to verify someone." Catch-22 for any situation where you have nothing in common, like downloading a new app from someone you've never met before.

IOW, the only way to know is to open the door, by which point it's way too late if it's someone out to get you.

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