Reply to post: Re: Lot of foxes in that hen house, huh.

Microsoft just got its Linux Foundation platinum card, becomes top level member

Ken Moorhouse Silver badge

Re: Lot of foxes in that hen house, huh.

The company names mentioned do not write Operating systems (not at least to remotely the same degree as Microsoft does).

Each of those names benefits their own business strategy by making their product work with Linux, without there being any conflict of interest.

We know Microsoft's game of old. I would guess that we will see Linux apps being produced by Microsoft, which will initially work atop any flavour of Linux, but then they will become less and less compatible the more and more that they develop their own flavour of Linux, which they will then charge for. And/Or their apps will be developed to only run on Microsoft hardware. I'm thinking Surface here - Microsoft seem to be developing that side of their empire. Now how many times would that prediction have to be spouted annually before it becomes true?

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