Reply to post: Re: "bad tempered"??

Left-wing cyber-hangout blames security breach on pro-Trump trolls

Anonymous Coward
Anonymous Coward

Re: "bad tempered"??

A long time, but the Democrat Party and the corporate media shield her very effectively.

By any rational measure the Clinton Foundation is the world's largest slush fund, filled mostly thru influence selling on a grand scale. A pretty small fraction goes to actual charity and the rest fuels the Clinton Lifestyle.

Is that criminal, or is it not? If it's not, then why do lesser individuals go to jail for doing a fraction of that? Al Capone could only dream of such lavish illicit profits!

Of course, now that Mrs. Clinton has no influence to sell, you may expect the Foundation to close up shop shortly. Can't claim it's a charity when no money is going out, can we? And it's too bad for all those foreign leaders who squandered their nation's wealth on a losing horse, but them's the breaks!

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