Reply to post: Re: cue...

Mac administrators brace for big changes to Apple-powered fleets

John Sanders

Re: cue...

""Sometimes this might actually be a good thing. The hackers are getting smarter and smarter and IMHO it is beholden to the likes of Apple, Google and Microsoft to try to keep one step ahead of them.""

Doing so at the expense of sacrificing control over one's own computer is not how to keep a steep ahead of "them hackers", quite the contrary.

The hackers are not that smart, you're confusing the fact that there is a lot of clever people part of the hive-mind (interwebs) with all hackers being that smart.

Usually the vast majority of hacks are either bad defaults, laziness, sheer incompetence or user error.

Good luck fixing those with double root and a complicated permission-policy model, these have been proven time and time again to prevent hacking.

Complexity... complexity is not going away, it is increasing...

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