Reply to post: Re: *GOOD*

McDonald's sues Italian city for $20m after being burger-blocked

Anonymous Coward
Anonymous Coward

Re: *GOOD*

Constitutions aren't the sole prerogative of the US. Indeed, many other countries have them. And you you will find Article 41 of the the Italian constitution (PDF) says:

"There is freedom of private economic initiative. It cannot be conducted in conflict with social utility or in a manner that could damage safety, liberty, and human dignity. The law determines appropriate planning and controls so that public and private economic activity is given direction and coordinated to social objectives."

You've answered yourself then. Some would even argue that it's affront to dignity, but a McD is IMHO definitely not social, and planning is not made in the US, it's made local. McD is, of course, going to fight this but the mayor also has to account for the economic effect it will have on the many small businesses that DO spend money on good ingredients. Personally, I hope McD loses this one.

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