Reply to post: It's incredible how this has become a "scandal"

Computer forensics defuses FBI's Clinton email 'bombshell'


It's incredible how this has become a "scandal"

Virtually all of Clinton's emails that are known of were very curt short sentences and very circumspect. She might have been silly to use an internal email server but she was also security conscious. Therefore the likelihood that she somehow spilled the beans to some aide seems ridiculous.

Aside from that the Democratic party leaks showed that 99% of the emails were mostly people forwarding media links between each other. If there were really 650,000 emails then chances are that all but 650 are meaningless party political noise.

Despite the bullshit hype and "lock her up" brain damage there has been no smoking gun. Just some silly woman using her own email server, presumably for the far more mundane reasons of not wanting stuff to be on the public record and not liking the government email system.

The super stupid bit is her opponent is currently facing RICO charges, a child rape court case, hasn't disclosed his taxes, has conducted illegal business in Cuba and covered it up, has been accused of sexual assault by various women, is parroting Russian policy and nobody in his camp seems to find this even faintly worrying.

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