Reply to post: Re: Well, what's the alternative?

Web devs want to make the Internet of S**t worse. Much worse

Ken Hagan Gold badge

Re: Well, what's the alternative?

The alternative is that the user decides it isn't such a good idea to let every burglar and pervert on the planet hack into their home security cameras, mobile phones, internet banking ...

It seems we are in something of a transitional phase. Society is happily reading stories about "celebs" getting hacked and their nude selfies posted everywhere, and outraged reading stories about "the great and the good" getting hacked and shown to be neither. However, it hasn't yet penetrated people's consciousness that *they* are using exactly the same technology and living the same sorts of lifestyles.

"But I'm not a celeb, or great, or good." It doesn't matter. There is also a steady stream of stories about ordinary people being horrible to other ordinary people. We seem to enjoy reading those as well, without making the connection to our own lives. We all have friends and enemies, people we'd like to know more about but who aren't telling, people who'd like to know more about us but we aren't telling.

It really is only a matter of time before *someone* is motivated to point the hacking tools at you.

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