Reply to post: Re: The silver hockey puck works on and off the screen.

Microsoft goes back to the drawing board – literally, with 28" tablet and hockey puck knob

Adair Silver badge

Re: The silver hockey puck works on and off the screen.

@Mage - I'm with Mage on this. Their critics come across as Millennials who are used to having everything handed to them on a plate.

Surely the whole point of GENERAL PURPOSE COMPUTING is that it is, well, you know: general purpose; in other words you are free to do what you like, rather than only what someone else thinks is good for you (which usually translates as: what they think will be good for their bank balance).

Inch by bleeding inch Microsoft is dragging it's OS and associated application echo system away from that hairy jungle of user freedom (relatively speaking) into that nice safe walled garden where the user's data and money are kept warm and dry and heading in the right direction.

Shiny is as shiny does: distracts from what is really going on.

One day Microsoft will be history. That day is still a long way off. When it comes there will be a new MS to take its place. The question is: how many people will actually notice or care. Too many today seem absorbed in their latest shiny and have no idea, or just don't care, about what is happening around them.

Oh, brave new world, that has such people in it.

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