Reply to post: Re: Have you considered the dangerous effects

I've arrived on Mars. Argggh, my back!


Re: Have you considered the dangerous effects

No. There are none.

The objections you raise are an artifact of your research database consisting of episodes of The Twilight Zone rather than NASA studies of Real Astronaut Space Shenanigans.

As for the pettifogging complaints about initial slang and acronyms, I prefer to hew to my British heritage and employ a vernacular more in tune with the Pseudo-Victorian Steampunk Aesthetics young people seem to prefer. This engages youth, the future of the race, rather than blinded-by-the-establishment-mindset NASA "experts".

And if it is a choice between attracting the attention of sweaty men who like to speak in cryptic acronyms to make themselves feel important or young ladies who wear their corsets on the outside, I know which I'm choosing.

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