Reply to post: Probably because "Newer" usually = worse but pretty

What will happen when I'm too old to push? (buttons, that is)


Probably because "Newer" usually = worse but pretty

Possibly one reason people eventually hate newer things is the modern obsession with making everything actually worse in usability and workflow but "prettier" and "shinier".

Software of course is at the forefront of this.......

It's not just in the computer world, all over, everybody seems to feel the need to reinvent the wheel because the wheel isn't cool enough & probably because you can hire IP lawyers to fight over patents on it... unless you are Apple in which case rounded corners never existed before you came.

As you get older, one thing you start to really dislike is spending more money to buy something to replace a broken item that should have just kept on working. The replacements of course being made ever cheaper and will break even faster.

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