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Who killed Cyanogen?


Did I write a single word about Wordperfect, Lotus, DR-DOS or OS/2? Pretty sure I didn't.

Before you put on your tinfoil hat and look for clues how something Google or any other third party did may have led to the downfall of Cyanogen Inc., look at their own words and actions first.

"We will take Android away from Google" (or whatever the exact quote was) was something Kondrik said. And if that is not a sign of an inflated ego, I don't know what is.

The deal with that Indian phone company that collided with an already established contract with OnePlus is another example of how Cyanogen Inc. hurt themselves.

Praising the independence from Google and then bundling Microsoft apps with Cyanogen OS.

And the list goes on.

All that were steps in the wrong direction that Caynogen Inc. made, nobody else.

Ever heard of Occam's Razor? The simple solution (they did it themselves) is more likely than a convoluted conspiracy theory that Google is to blame.

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