Reply to post: Re: Time to research alternatives

It's finally happened: Hackers are coming for home routers en masse

Anonymous Blowhard

Re: Time to research alternatives

@John Mangan

That's what I meant in the final(ish) paragraph; as long as the ISP is OK with you using your own equipment then you should be able to do as you want.

In which case the liability is with you and the manufacturer of the equipment you choose to use.

There may be some ISPs who then mandate the equipment you must use, but if that's a deal breaker you're free to choose another who's OK with third-parts gear.

The intention is that the "Average Joes", who make up 99% of the users on the Internet will be more secure, leaving only the 1% of techno-fetishists as the pool of candidates for botnets (hopefully most of these will be the ones who care about and have the ability to secure their own individual solutions).

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