Reply to post: Re: Errrm

Basic income after automation? That’s not how capitalism works


Re: Errrm

I think we may have missed the point here.

The author isn't attempting to say that capitalism is forever and UBI won't work because capitalism is a natural law. She is saying that capitalism does not work, and we can't simply 'patch' it with UBI to make it keep working like it used to. It's a broken model, and the groups latching on to UBI as a kind of panacea for the many problems that emerge from it are barking up the wrong tree, because it'll maybe tide things over for a few decades before the fundamental contradictions cause it to collapse again.

This is pretty much what happened to the Gilded Age capital system, the post-WW1 system, the Bretton-Woods New Deal system, and it's what happening with the Neoliberal model too. Capitalism is basically the Adobe Flash of economic models; you can patch it to deal with immediate problems, but really the underlying system is so badly flawed that new problems will crop up fairly soon anyway.

This doesn't excuse the many, many, many factual inaccuracies, logical fallacies, weak rebuttals and generally poor arguments in the article (or that it's really very poorly written generally, as it's not really very clear in what it's trying to say), but it does make for a more useful piece than the alternative that many of us are arguing against.

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