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Swisscom claims world's first broadband service

Lee D Silver badge

I don't see 500Mbps at 200m as much of an achievement nowadays. You can do 10Gb at 100m with off-the-shelf networking hardware, and 1Gb at that same distance is ludicrously cheap (you can get a 5-port switch off Amazon that can do that for about £20).

Sure, the copper is different quality. It's a slightly longer length. But you're telling me it's THAT MUCH HARDER that it's taken 20-25 years to catch up?

I'd be infinitely more impressed at, say, 10Mbps at some enormous length. Kilometres. But that's actually DIFFICULT, rather than arguing over which protocols to use and then buying whatever vendor's kit that took you out for lunch.

The problem with modern Internet is not the top-speed. We have that sorted. If it comes to it, we can easily do gigabits to local cabinets over these sorts of distances, it's just not an issue. The problem we have is that outside that distance we have almost nothing. Other countries fibre in their properties, so distance isn't even an issue (sure, it costs, but once it's in you're done for the next 50 years).

Sorry, this just isn't impressive at all. And it doesn't really help anyone but the ISPs who might be able to get more money out of you by whacking up your speed against your will and charging you extra for it.

And I live inside the M25, and have decent FTTC Internet. I just don't see speeds 200m from boxes as a problem worth solving at the moment when you still have people only a matter of km from a major town who get bugger all.

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