Reply to post: Unequal opportunities

Microsoft tries, fails to crush 'gender bias' lawsuit brought by its own women engineers

Joe Werner Silver badge

Unequal opportunities

as the BOFH said once. You can do the job? You are in. For me this whole age/sex/orientation/whatever is not interesting in a professional context (and if people behave professionally).

I do admit: it is a serious problem if people are discriminated against - no matter what. Unless they are, as Simon put it, "a thicko" and should not be allowed an opinion. But do not think you are better than anybody just because you are white/black/female/middle-aged/christian/pastafarian/whatever.

I know I am too thick in some fields, I make an effort of not pushing my thoughts on those who have a clue (I will ask and try to learn, though).

On the other hand: one of my former female colleagues at university made a point that she was milking the system, and that she was able to get funds etc. just because she was female... this was totally against her "unequal opportunity" policy.

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