Reply to post: Re: >various Lisps,

Linux Foundation whacks open JavaScript projects umbrella

Anonymous Coward
Anonymous Coward

Re: >various Lisps,

> ((((defun really?)((to) (write))(some(kinda(web(div(span(div(pages(th)(tr)((td)(td)(td)???)))))))

Oh, how quaint, the "lots of silly parentheses" remark. But, have you actually written software in Lisp? Especially on the less powerful computers of the 80s or on embedded systems?

> No txs, DOM's enuff of a mind f**k.

What is DOM? I can only think¹ of the Document Object Model, but I can't see how to compare a data structure with a programming language.

¹ Not entirely true. But département d'outre-mer seemed even more improbable.

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