Reply to post: Re: @Arthur

'Please label things so I can tell the difference between a mouse and a microphone'


Re: @Arthur

And afterwards? Mice swapped round onto the opposing desks?

We used to do that with keyboards back in high school. There were two rows of back-to-back computers, just swap the keyboards of the two with their backs to each other and wait for someone to log in, type the user name and password as it comes up along with the next 20 characters or so. When the user starts whacking at the keyboard that's "stopped working" say "there's something wrong with that one, use a different one".

You have to be a decent typist for that to work. Luckily they still had typing class back then.

We got the admin password that way. The next day the intern we got it from said that he had a nightmare that we got the admin password. Poor guy.

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