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Internet of pills plan calls for drugs to tell you when to take them

Anonymous Coward
Anonymous Coward

Repeating any action every day means that you can easily forget if you have done the recent one - if at the time you are busy thinking about something else. It's called "autopilot". Brushed all your teeth? Locked the front door? Locked the car? Fed the cat? Switched off all the lights?

The ideal pill dispenser would have a persistent audible/visual alert and a way to know that the required pill has been removed. Pills would only register on very sensitive weighing sensors - so each dose of pill(s) would need a separate compartment and a lid that registers when it has been opened.

Probably exists somewhere - but I haven't seen one yet.

The common blister pack could have an embedded matrix so that the broken foil registers when a pill has been removed. The blister pack would need something like an induction system to communicate with the dispenser that holds it. That seems rather overcomplicated.

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