Reply to post: Piss off Google

OK Google, Alexa, why can't I choose my own safe, er, wake word?

Anonymous Coward
Anonymous Coward

Piss off Google

"We have built so much around this phrase that it simply makes sense to use that,"

... and at that point you demonstrate that the I in AI is soooooo faaaaaar off. Google et al are fiddling with a bunch of heuristics and nothing more and claiming some form of intelligence. Bollocks.

Today, Chrome decided that a page that I'd accessed many times needed translating from Danish to English. Really? It is a Zabbix (monitoring system) page which displays a graph of throughput for a PPoE internet connection. I can't speak a word of Dansk and I can't see anything on the page that looks vaguely Danish. However, I suspect that a rubbish heuristic involving a Brit on a Danish PC or vice versa is to blame.

A real AI system would have some form of inner voice that questions its decisions and re-evaluates them and learns. It might make mistakes but it would learn from them and perhaps apologise when it buggers up.

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