Reply to post: AI everywhere, oh my

It's all fun and games until someone loses an AI

Anonymous Coward
Anonymous Coward

AI everywhere, oh my

Compute systems can only make "decisions" based on what humans have programmed them to make. There is no magic and there is no spontaneous, creative intelligence in compute systems - anywhere. There are no self-learning machines that learn completely on their own with no human intervention, even though the press says there are from time to time. As mentioned, matching predetermined patterns is not AI, it is matching predetermined patterns and generally involves the actual counting of something to get a number to compare to another, pre-established number. Sometimes it takes really smart people to figure it out and set it up, but THAT creative intelligence does not get infused into the system in any way. Deeper thought on the subject brings one to the eventual possibility that humans may not be the spontaneous thinking and acting things we think we are and that we are programmed to respond to certain stimuli and have very little say in the range of responses. Our observation, pattern matching and responses are limited by what is encoded in our DNA. It could be that WE are artificial intelligence and simply aren't aware enough to know it.

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