Reply to post: Re: A bit elitist aren't you El Reg?

Half! a! billion! Yahoo! email! accounts! raided! by! 'state! hackers!'

Paul Crawford Silver badge

Re: A bit elitist aren't you El Reg?

I also use Yahool with POP access, it is OK for spammy stuff but it suffers a lot more spam than gmail seems to with a significant upsurge in the last month or so. Maybe this explains a bit?

No phone number with mine, but every (rare) time I use the web login it pesters for one. However if signing up now they demand on.

Gmail didn’t demand one at sign-up but the fskers blocked POP access when I went abroad for a trip and pestered for a phone number to unlock it, which it was simply not worth giving. Returned to operating again when back home.

Both are out to whore you.

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