Reply to post: Re: A bit elitist aren't you El Reg?

Half! a! billion! Yahoo! email! accounts! raided! by! 'state! hackers!'

heyrick Silver badge

Re: A bit elitist aren't you El Reg?

I use Yahoo. It supports IMAP so my phone/tablet can pick it up using a "real" mail program and not whatever GMail thinks it is. It is an address I can give out, without worrying too much if people are going to do idiotic things like group mail with my address (and all the others) in the To line.

I have a private email. Maybe ten people know the address. Accordingly, their messages to me get read quickly as I look there first/most often.

There is a point to having a third party deal with a mail service so people you don't necessarily want to hear from can attempt to contact you...

By the way, after this disclosure, what's Yahoo! going to be going for now? I'll put my offer on the table: a half-eaten pack of wasabi flavoured crisps. If you sell it to me quickly, I'll throw in some stale Lindt chocolates.

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