Reply to post: A bit elitist aren't you El Reg?

Half! a! billion! Yahoo! email! accounts! raided! by! 'state! hackers!'


A bit elitist aren't you El Reg?

Just because a group of tech-savvy hacks in a developed country haven't used their Yahoo accounts for over a year doesn't mean that there aren't a lot of people using this service regularly. I have many African contacts for whom a Yahoo account (often french) is the only way to reliably contact them. These are often senior academics and government workers whose "work" email very often doesn't (work, that is).

There is more than half a world outside the US and western Europe that relies on the kind of technology and services you make fun of (that's why there is still a market in PCs despite their demise being regularly forecast in these pages). Whether this information breach is going to affect people significantly is hard to say (it was two years ago, after all), but it will concern a lot of real people who use their Yahoo accounts every day.

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