Reply to post: Yahbut..

Not enough personality: Google Now becomes Google Not Anymore

Camilla Smythe


You want it to remind you to do something at a certain time which involves visiting a certain place.

Contacts: To reply to people who get in touch when you are delivering your letters to tell them you are delivering letters and say you will call them back.

Calendars: To check that you will be free at the time when you wish to deliver your letters rather than in an important meeting you have forgotten about.

Apps: In case you want to play Pokemon on the way to the letterbox. You might find a new one you have not yet caught.

Music: So you can listen to some jazz on your walk to the letterbox... cool.

Battery Life: To ensure that it has enough juice to guide you to the nearest, profitable, letterbox by the best, profitable, route and, based on your browsing history guide you past multiple 'sock shops'.

Sensor Readings: To make sure you are following the most profitable route to the sock shop, letterbox.

Places you go: In order to make the journey more, profitable, interesting.

Bank contact details, pin and password: In order to make sure you have enough credit to buy some, stamps, socks.

and so it goes on.

See. In order to, monetise you, do its job faithfully and properly it needs all of this data about you. I really have no idea what you might be moaning about.

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