Reply to post: Re: If you sell someone edible goods, and they come with venomous spiders...

Lethal 4-hour-erection-causing spiders spill out of bunch of ASDA bananas

Anonymous Coward

Re: If you sell someone edible goods, and they come with venomous spiders...

Murder?? Really?? I am no expert on British law, but in the U.S. you would not even get manslaughter. Depending on the jurisdiction, you MIGHT be able to get criminal negligence (if you can prove that the store/distributor willfully failed to properly fumigate said bananas), but for a crime, you need criminal intent. Missing a spider egg sac during fumigation and inspection procedures doesn't apply.

You could sue the crap out of the store and supplier for wrongful death, pain and suffering and product liability though.

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