Reply to post: Re: UDP Fear

Google: There are three certainties in life – death, taxes and IPv6

P. Lee

Re: UDP Fear

Whatever Mr J's issues the point does remain valid and not just for mobile.

There's nothing to stop a UDP DOS attack chewing up my download quota. Currently if I get Gigs of inbound SYNs or DNS or NTP there's a good chance I can defend my position with my ISP.

Regardless, it seems everyone is obsessing over ipv6 without looking at this sentence from the article:

>QUIC's big advantage is in real-time apps, and it's faster and more reliable than TCP because it's not dependent on the operating system.

Say WHAT?! Surely that must be a mistatement! Software layering? We've heard of it.

But no, Chrome implements it. Oh great, a network stack implemented at the application level. What could possibly go wrong?

We need more OS involvement in networking not less. I know Google doesn't care about end-point security, but I think the rest of us might. I'd quite like the OS to kill network connections initiated by, for example, Word and Excel. Shouldn't the application be asking the OS for IP protocol 143 or something like that? Is the problem really TCP or poor OS IP stack design? In the end, packets need putting in their correct order, whether than happens in the OS or the application - why not have this as a library function the OS does, rather than putting it in every application?

If we need a TCPv2 stack that's fine, let's make a TCPv2 stack, but don't kick networking session/transport reliability functions up to the application layer.

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