Reply to post: Re: Civil War

Brexit will happen. The EU GDPR will happen. You can't avoid either

TVU Silver badge

Re: Civil War

"Don't worry. The Graun readers have decided that EVERYBODY who voted leave is a racist (incidentally, the second worst slur the lefities have - the ultimate big boy is "Daily Mail reader").

According to the Spectator the Graun is going to shut its comment forums presently, so the Reg will be soon be even more contaminated with digital refugees, coming here to vent their socialist bile and hatred of democracy."

The Guardian is wrong for not all those who voted Leave are racists. They are also ignorant, ill-informed, ill-educated, Europhobes, xenophobes and Polish-haters too.

Leave only had a marginal win at best and that win was only based on outright lies (the most egregious of which was that all EU money was going to be diverted to the NHS) and scaremongering about immigrants (like the leaflet that implied that the whole of the Turkish population was coming to the UK).

The Leave campaign made it acceptable to express hate in both verbal and physical form and that has very tragically led to some murders too. Yet no one from the Leave campaign, or supporters thereof, have condemned these attacks.

It is also a blatant falsehood to claim that only voters of the left voted to remain to within the EU for many millions of voters of the centre and centre-right also voted to remain in the EU.

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