Reply to post: Re: Don't blame Pirates.

EU ends anonymity and rules open Wi-Fi hotspots need passwords

Anonymous Coward
Anonymous Coward

Re: Don't blame Pirates.

I am with you on most if not all of that, saw it as the internet honeymoon being over, ranted about it years ago but of course people don't want to look at the bigger picture, will try to get a mob against anyone who uses reality or the "truth", remind me what is the opposite of truth, lies isn't it? so these days you can be derided for being a "truther" because that word has connotations, fuck em speak the truth regardless of the hashtab.

In case no other bugger says it, don't off-yourself too soon buddy, there is dark stuff creeping and those who seek to benefit from oppression but there is also higher meaning, and energy at work if we are open to it. Sometimes in this field we might have to step out of the technology forest to feel the light.

Thanks for the post, bit of fuck yeah moment.

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