Reply to post: Re: Do people care?

Google's become an obsessive stalker and you can't get a restraining order

Adair Silver badge

Re: Do people care?

@BenR - Which is brilliant, and there's no reason at all why your phone (and mine) shouldn't be allowed (by us) to log that data and store it for however long (set by us) for whatever we need to use it for. It's the slurp, isn't it? 'They' have decided, in their self-interested paternalistic way what 'they' will do with 'my' phone and 'my' data, usually regardless of whether I want them to or not, and often without even telling me, or giving me any means of intervening.

It's 'free' they say; good, so I'm 'free' to do whatever I like with 'their' system; but it's a shame it's so bloody inconvenient. Hopefully, over time, the means to take back control will become easier, but only a relative few are ever likely to be interested. It'll take something disastrous to shift the level of complacency that most of us show towards our phones, and our data generally.

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