Reply to post: Re: If the government had better tests...

VW Dieselgate engineer sings like a canary: Entire design team was in on it – not just a few bad apples, allegedly

Hans Neeson-Bumpsadese Silver badge

Re: If the government had better tests...

"Perhaps give the firmware a list of known government testing facilities and have it go slow-and-eco when the GPS picks it up as near one."

"Funnily enough one maker was pinged for doing exactly that."

I'm not saying I approve of any party's actions, but you have to admit that that the VW approach is somewhat more sophisticated and elegant.

As a driver of a car with one of the engines in question, the solution seems to be dragging on a bit. I got a letter in January saying that there'd be a recall for some tweaks to the engine management software....9 months on and neither I, or any of my friends who are also waiting for the same recall, have heard anything further

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