Reply to post: Re: It seem to me

VW Dieselgate engineer sings like a canary: Entire design team was in on it – not just a few bad apples, allegedly

Pompous Git Silver badge

Re: It seem to me

The tesla owner could have been completely off grid, solar and wind, not using anything from the coal power plants, but still being taxed for it.

Don't expect any of this green shit to make any sense. I live in Tasmania where we have hydro-electrickery. Hydro Tasmania sells its energy to the mainland where the consumers get brownie points because it's "clean and green". In return, the mainland sells its electrickery that's generated with brown coal, the most polluting sort, and we in Tasmania are dirty, filthy polluters as a consequence. Needless to say, there's no need for any electron flow betwixt the two regions for this to be "true".

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