Reply to post: Re: Garmin

Self-stocking internet fridge faces a delivery come down

TeeCee Gold badge

Re: Garmin

For maps I've changed to Openstreetmap.

I've found two showstopper fuckups that make that shit useless for navigation:

1) There's no consistent road typing, so the only routing cue is the speed limit. This means that given the choice of a 50mph limited dual carriageway or a derestricted (60mph) country lane running parallel, the navigation software goes for the lane, despite the fact that you'll be pushed to achieve an average speed of 30mph along it.

2) The number of places where someone's drive on road A and someone else's on parallel road B are allegedly a road connecting the two is very scary indeed. Too many "contributors" who think 2+2=5 I guess.

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