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Excel abuse hits new heights as dev uses VBA to code spreadsheet messaging app

Holtsmark Silver badge

I have a spreadsheet that inputs CAN-bus log-files in hex, parses these in binary, and then outputs clear-text information. All using only Excel native commands, no VBA or similar.

A very useful tool.

However; if I had the chance, then I would have the dev-. team at Microsof Office undergo some light waterboarding, followed by a brief (by it's very nature) visit to the scorpion-pit.

Who the hell thought it was a good idea to hard-code the default line with of a charted curve to 1.5?

..yes, it looks better for your example containing Bill and Bob, and the months January to March, but once you have 72 lines overlapping, you can not see anything, and you are forced to re format every single line one at a time!

And, after all these years, why is there no xyz diagram option? It must be very EASY to code, and it would be a good reason to actually upgrade.

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