Reply to post: Re: "the market would move on to a better product"

'I'm sorry, your lift has had a problem and had to shut down'

Ken Moorhouse Silver badge

Re: "the market would move on to a better product"

Oh how I wish.

The reality is - I think - that such a move requires work. If there is a choice between (monolithic) Product A where everything happens just by pushing a button, or (granular) Product B where it needs populating carefully with historic data then most will plump for Product A.

The mentality is to delay the problem of how to extract meaningful data out from it down the line and let's go play golf right now. Instant gratification is a term often bandied around.

I prefer to work with products where, having invested the time and effort to get it right to start with, the mere pushing of a button to get your results down the line is easy.

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