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QANTAS' air safety spiel warns not to try finding lost phones


Anyway, back to the matter at hand:

"Airline safety spiel prohibits finding lost phones" No, it doesn't. That's just clickbait, and by El Reg's standards (which from time to time regales us with sparks of true genius) pretty lame at that.

How do you determine you've lost your phone? You check the obvious first: wrong pocket, wrong bag, wrong orifice? On the floor below your seat? Nicked by that obnoxious brat in the row behind you? If those checks all turn out negative, it might be possible the thing has wedged itself in some part of the plane, seat or otherwise. And I don't think there is any airline that is okay with passengers starting to dismantle parts of their aircraft's interior.

PIC Your correspondent noted something odd during his flight to VMworld 2016 aboard Australian airline QANTAS: during the pre-flight safety briefing passengers were told to ask the crew for help if they lost their phones aboard the A380 and not, repeat not, to try to find it themselves.

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