Reply to post: No one likes lawyers.. except when they're on your side (or if you are one)

Having offended everyone else in the world, Linus Torvalds calls own lawyers a 'nasty festering disease'


No one likes lawyers.. except when they're on your side (or if you are one)

I have supported Lawyers in the past (in the field-support, not bread line sense), and I never expected to find much to like about them. I would not want to be a lawyer. The whole profession and the legal system in general (worldwide) makes me want to take a shower in antiseptic in a cabin far from civilization. But the lawyers I have dealt with (for the most part) are intelligent people that are reasonable to deal with. They understand delays. (look at the legal system) They don't mind if you hedge a bit. (look at their profession) They are just seeking the path through the maze, ethics aside, to accomplish what their clients are paying for. (and possibly fatten their own wallets, this is true) Earn their trust and they will be straight with you. In these regards, their profession is an intellectual exercise similar to most IT jobs. And like any job, there are some practised old hands that know how to get things done without wreaking havoc, and there are some twats that have no concept or care of others. And of course every shade of color in between.

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