Reply to post: Re: Why this happens

Excel hell messes up ~20 per cent of genetic science papers


Re: Why this happens

Because they haven't been told the full/correct requirements, clearly.

Rather, they had too many requirements and so the various hacks are fighting each other.

CEO's/CTO's are yelling at Microsoft: "Make what we are doing here at $BigCorp work in Excel NOW - or ELSE", Programmers get told: "Make work, or Else".

Programmers of course code what they are told, like this:

"Make Work"


"Make Work"


"Make Work" ....

Thus cell interpretation logic became a pachinko machine, rather than a state machine.

Same with Word. MS could have made on-the-fly formatting optional and used style-sheet only - except - some people want to use on-the-fly formatting and don't want to select an option "or Else". So Word does BOTH, which sucks when one gets the work of an "on-the-fly"-formatter.

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