Reply to post: I have a Kindle paperwhite and have NOT had any computer problems

Kindle Paperwhites turn Windows 10 PCs into paperweights: Plugging one in 'triggers a BSOD'


I have a Kindle paperwhite and have NOT had any computer problems

I transfer all my books to my Kindle paperwhite by plugging it into the computer. Haven't had a BSOD or any other computer problems like that for over a year.

Of course, I'm running Linux Mint. No data slurping. No ads. It just works.

I'm hoping that Yet Another MS Cockup encourages more Windows users (and I used to be one) to try out Linux Mint. It installs dual boot so you can take baby steps if you need to. "Computer Users of the World, Unite! You have nothing to lose but your BSODs, ads, spyware and crippleware!"

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