Reply to post: Re: Tsk

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Re: Tsk


"hat invasion was called off after sheer luck allowed the USN to sink four Japanese and so gut the Kido Butai, the Fast Striking Force. Yes, it was sheer luck; the, to quote Admiral Nagumo, 'American samurai' of the torpedo-bomber squadrons died to no effect."


That was not "sheer luck" at all. A US intelligence unit in Pearl Harbour had decrypted various messages, had done traffic analysis (actual and electronic) and had worked their way through the mire of dodgy messages, reassignment of ships to others etc. and decided that this is where they would be. They then had to fight a rearguard action against naysayers in Washington and the Phillipines but in the end NImitz trusted the guy in question and a victory was achieved.

Not luck at all, good signals intelligence. look up HYPO and a brilliant sailor called Joe Rochefort.

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