Reply to post: Re: "He was found not guilty, therefore he is innocent"

UK IT consultant subject to insane sex ban order mounts legal challenge

P. Lee

Re: "He was found not guilty, therefore he is innocent"

I doubt arguing with someone who takes their history from Monty Python is a winning strategy.

Dumb Yanks not withstanding, the Church's general view is that witches don't exist - its basically a pagan fantasy which won't die and generally tried to ban media which talked detecting them.

I wouldn't suggest that the Spanish Inquisition was staffed by good people but the main distaste for it in northern Europe/the USA comes via Protestantism's assertion that that Catholicism is a corruption of Christianity which misrepresents God. The issues are theological. As an icon of All That Is Wrong With Over-Reaching, Intrusive, Torturing and Executing Government it pales into insignificance alongside our current "liberal" governments. There is no need to go as far as looking at the Internet's Favourite Bad Guys.

As to the case at hand, there are a few things I would mention:

1. This kind of system makes a mockery of the legal process. Why bother with a trial if the police can do this? Is this any different from the Inquisition, if you can just go to a judge who can effectively overrule a jury verdict?

2. If this kind of restriction can be placed on those who have committed no demonstrable crime, how long will it take for these powers to be extended? Who is safe if the authorities no longer have to follow the rule of law?

3. I'm sure the police and the judge have a very reasons for this order. I'm sure I'll get downvoted for this, but all that old-fashioned morality which told women not to be alone with men? That was not about spoiling your fun, that was about protecting you. Sure, "No means no" but guess what? There are lots of bad people who don't play by the rules. Do you really want to have to be the one who has to sue for Assault and Battery? Even if you won, that would not be justice - justice would be never having been beaten. Find a partner you can trust who is capable and willing to love you for life - you deserve no less.

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