Reply to post: Re: Odd

IT delays helped derail UK's historic child sexual abuse inquiry

Alan Brown Silver badge

Re: Odd

"I did wonder what odd requirements they added (and why) so that evidence management needs could not be met by some of the (as mentioned in article) off the shelf evidence management systems."

I'm seeing this with our ticketing/network management systems. There's an ideal package for the job (GLPI) but various people are looking at the _untuned_ version and going "look at all these extra fields we don't need. I can write a stripped-down version much more easily" rather than just switching off the extra bits that aren't needed. This has caused implementation and replacement of the old system to drag out for at least 2 years longer than it's needed to.

(Of course, writing it locally pretty much guarantees your employment as noone else will understand it, I'm pretty sure this is the mindset behind a lot of this kind of shit)

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