Reply to post: Re: Yeah but

IBM used dud DoS shield for failed online census says Oz PM

lglethal Silver badge

Re: Yeah but

@AC: Australia is nowhere near as backwards and right wing as the US. What your saying is just hyperbole.

Australia takes far more refugees on a per capita basis then the US. That it sends boat people to PNG and Nauru is to try and discourage people from dying by taking the boat route. Those that come in by plane tend to be accepted.

Also the whole black face thing, it's hardly encouraged and it is beginning to be viewed as unacceptable but it is worth remembering that Australia does not have the history where using black face was a way of humiliating black people. That was never part of our history or culture, so we have no hang ups about it. A few years ago, KFC got hugely bad press in the US because it showed an advert in Australia to do with the cricket which showed a West Indian family (so Carribeans in other words) and an Aussie family sharing some KFC chicken. It was funny and there was no problems in Australia, but Americans got all up in arms because showing the West Indians loving to eat KFC was apparently racist stereotyping. Since we don't have that racist stereotype in Australia, it wasn't racist here. As another example, in Australia the Pakistan cricket team are known as the Pakis. Just the shortened form of the name Pakistan. However, you would NEVER call someone a Paki in the UK as there is a historical context there which is highly racist.

Different cultures have different considerations for what is racist or discriminatory. You would do well to remember that....

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