Reply to post: Re: Now an Then

Windows 10: Happy with Anniversary Update?


Re: Now an Then

bhut?! CamelCasing? facetious much? the White Wagon? that sounds a bit racist, but then you come across as a bit facist! (thanks for the thumbs down!)

Not to know what you are writing about... That's kind of rich considering I grew up using Windows from 95, 98 and XP onward's and read tech-rights blogs about microsofts monopoly on software with avid interest, years of use eventually teach you that they're nothing but an abusive company, then years later I made the swap to SlackWare and other distributions of linux back in the 90's not every OS revolves around your misconceptions of how it all works, take this one for example. Built around the Bell-La-Padula security model, it has no root user, hence stupid kids can not just break into it..

Although im sure they try.

Linus dropped 1000 Lines of code from his own Kernel back in the late 90's going swiftly from Kernel 2.6.36 to 2.6.37 his decision to do so deliberatly caused undisclosed security vulnerabilities in it and hes just generally unpleasent as a developer if you get on his wrong side, but then maybe your happy with that and the advance of System-D across multiple distro's while anyone who approaches the dude about proper security in his Kernel ie: Theo && grSecurity get rebuked with nasty verbal garbage about how they are the ones that dont really know what they're doing!

How long does it take to write a Open Source kernel with over one million lines of heavily obfuscated C code? The answer is that 50+ years, it seems to just be the Linus & Stallman standard!

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