Reply to post: Re: I don't care ...

Did Donald Trump really just ask Russia to hack the US govt? Yes, he did


Re: I don't care ...

What makes Clinton II the bigger risk is that she'd actually stay in office for at least one full term, and the bureaucrats would obey her.

If Trump wins he'll first be ignored, and ignored far more than Obama ever was. The CIA director and several top generals have already said they'll ignore illegal orders from Trump.

If congress fails to over rule Trump's actions first, the SCOTUS will over rule them.

Then Trump will probably be impeached.

And if he isn't impeached, sad to say the US is the country where everyone has the "right to bear arms" to prevent tyranny. So sadly I see a Trump sharing the fates of Lincoln and Kennedy. (I'm against violence, but I'm a Canadian, not an American.)

So I'm not worried about Trump. The USA has plenty of legal and illegal checks and balances to counter him.

But when Clinton is elected, and she will be, she'll successfully continue the establishment's "US War on the Middle Class", on the world's middle classes, and on the sovereignty of foreign governments.

So Clinton is the real risk.

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