Reply to post: Re: Network compromise is irrelevant

US standards lab says SMS is no good for authentication

Anonymous Coward
Anonymous Coward

Re: Network compromise is irrelevant

I would recommend not worrying about it. If your government wants access to your account information, they'll get it from your bank. If they want access to your money, they'll freeze your assets. There's nothing you can do about it. They aren't going to hack your account over the internet to get at it, so controls on your end don't matter.

As for insiders, you can't prevent them from taking your money for similar reasons because they can also bypass all those external controls, but you will (though maybe not right away) be able to get it back. Banks have very good internal controls and are able to detect rogue insiders, if not the minute they try something, eventually. For those who fail to detect them until it is too late and the insider has fled to somewhere without an extradition treaty, well that's why banks have insurance...

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