Reply to post: Re: Don't know how to configure a Data Centre

BT internet outage was our fault, says Equinix

Anonymous Coward
Anonymous Coward

Re: Don't know how to configure a Data Centre

Only one diesel generator?? Not much failure proofing there!!!

Then there is maintaining the equipment, of which I have an example - although not IT related.

My local pumping station had THREE diesel back up generators, so you would think in the event of a power outage, the water would keep flowing city-wide; alas, the company involved are notoriously bad at both record keeping and maintenance.

On the day the power went out, it turned out No1 wouldnt start, No.2 hadnt had its fuel replaced, or been serviced since the mid 70's and No3.....

Well it seems No3 had last been checked in 1943, all that remained was a large pile of rust.

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