Reply to post: Re: This gives me a problem this weekend.

Windows 10 a failure by Microsoft's own metric – it won't hit one billion devices by mid-2018

Roland6 Silver badge

Re: This gives me a problem this weekend.

Well the key point is "access to", ie. it is a home system, not a laptop to be taken to school. Hence I suggest you get a system you are happy to maintain.

If the school actually required students to take a laptop/tablet to school they should either provide a system or provided the parents with full specifications (and rationale) and a 'favourable' purchase and support service option.

Hence I would recommend you ensure she has access to a 'Windows' system as suspect the key requirement will be access to the school extranet which may require a browser hosted on Windows - which may be a problem if you are a Mac fan; one of my neighbours had to resurrect a Windows machine just so his son can do his homework...

Personally, I wouldn't worry about Win7 going EOL before she finishes school, I doubt any one will remember the current version of Win10 (due to be replaced at the end of this month) in 2021, whereas it wouldn't surprise me if "Windows for Business" looks much like Win7. Also my children quite happily move between the XP, Win7, Win8.1, iOS, Android and xBox platforms and using Office 2007/2010/2013 for homework. The only complaint has been about needing Scratch installed...

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