Reply to post: Re: Stasi Nation

Theresa or Teresa May? Twitter confuses nude model and new PM

codejunky Silver badge

Re: Stasi Nation

@ Shades

"Yep. In a bid to remove those unelected politicians telling us what to do we now have an unelected politician telling us what to do. Sterling work there Brexiters."

Thank you. I am pretty happy about it too. I dont really like May but I didnt like the EU politicians who placed themselves above ours and demand money for their jollies. But dont you worry shades it is still the party we voted for last time and come the next GE we can vote for a different one if we want! Or if May is surprisingly good we might re-elect the Tories (not sure what the odds will be like for that one).

"Oh, so NOW you believe a politician, after all the lies that got us into this mess? "

Yet again you show why we are so happy to tell the EU where to shove its politicians. As you point out, people tend not to trust them. So lets get rid of politicians who dont need an electorate and instead have a system where we can vote them out. And maybe even vote for a change to the election system if we dont like it!

"Well she's got what ALL politicians want, to rise to the top"

Blair did hope to go further. That guy under serious investigation for some time was aiming to be president of the EU! Imagine that and the plan to have an EU army! The middle east peace envoy could bring his flavour of peace to even more of the middle east!

On an oddly positive note for feminism there will be another female PM! If anyone would like some amusement head over to the guardian to watch them perform mental gymnastics and argue against May while trying to hold on to their militant feminist views.

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