Reply to post: Re: Fermat's Last Theorem

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Voland's right hand Silver badge

Re: Fermat's Last Theorem

It will be slightly more difficult on two accounts.

One is: "It is significantly harder than envisaged"

Two is:"The Fermat's last theorem commission".

I will skip one and concentrate on two. When my dad used to be on the PhD thesis review commissions, they had a special "Last Fermat Theorem" reviewer set - specifically for any "Last Theorem" submissions. That set consisted of the worst and meanest basterds in the department and destroyed the submitter at short order. It was 30 years ago at a point where the math community considered any attempt to prove the last Theorem to be a joke and took the piss accordingly.

So, coming back to the driverless AI car. It is indeed the last Fermat theorem - in order for it to be officially certified it will be subjected to a set of tests which no human learner driver will pass. Not now not ever. In fact, it will get an examiner which will fail any human driver. Repeatedly - like the 200 morbidly obese monster I got for my first driving test. The instructor after that told me: "Sorry dude, your chances of passing with this one were about zero. She fails all young males out of principle".

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