Reply to post: Re: Uninitialised memory referenced during execution

Philando Castile death-by-cop vid mysteriously vanishes from Facebook


Re: Uninitialised memory referenced during execution

For fucks sake - how can these police officers have been so badly trained.

Well therein lies the issue. What is a "Police Officer"? Unlike the UK where we have one main layer of law enforcement, the term has no useful meaning in the US. It could be FBI, State Troopers, County Sheriffs or local town/city PD.

Naturally, the smaller PDs generally do much less training than your average FBI agent. Due to limited resource/funding, the (re)training programme of a small town PD is likely much less robust than say Chicago PD - for instance, they might spend lots of time on the range learning to shoot accurately and proficiently, but at the cost of role-play and realistic simulation.

I spent a couple of hours watching Thames Valley Armed Response doing drills - they only (blank) fired once in all that period. Most of the scenarios resulted in a de-escalation and non-fatal arrest.

I suspect some of the less robust US training programmes inadvertently reinforce "Scenario Fulfilment" where officers start down a path of force (draw side-arm, prepare for use of force) and all their training has resulted in them finally using force, so they're mentally set on a path which doesn't end with de-escalation and get subconsciously tunnel-visioned towards firing their weapon.

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